In this exercise, you'll learn how to export epic links on an Xporter-generated file.

This is a Word template. Let's create the first page.

The layout of the page is going to be Landscape

Go to -> Layout -> Orientation -> Landscape

If you want to display the header you must create the Header using a table with 6 columns and 1 row:

KeyIssueTypePrioritySummaryLinksEpic Cases

Since all the table contents below the Header are dynamic, firstly we need to create a single row table to be the header, and below it add the &{for issues...} statement, so the Header is printed only one time.

With that done, you create another row table where the mappings will be populated:



${Key} Linked issues and Epic

#{if (%{'${LinksCount}'.equals(‘0’)})}

Doesn't have Links


#{for a=LinksCount}

#{if (%{'${Links[a].IssueTypeName}'.equals('Epic')})}

(Epic) - ${Links[a].Key}:${Links[a].Summary}


#{if (%{!'${Links[a].IssueTypeName}'.equals('Epic')})}

(Link) - ${Links[a].Key}:${Links[a].Summary}



#{if (%{'${LinksCount}'.equals(‘0’)})}

Doesn't have Links


#{for a=LinksCount}

#{if (%{'${Links[a].IssueTypeName}'.equals('Epic')})}

(Epic) - ${Links[a].Key}:${Links[a].Summary}

#{for i=JQLIssuesCount|clause= "Epic Link" = ${Links[a].Key}}

(Story) - ${JQLIssues[i].Key}:${JQLIssues[i].Summary}




Now close the statement using the mapping &{end}.

We are going to explain better the two columns(Links and Epic Cases) above.

The column Links

  1. Insert a phrase with the Key of the issue (set up the Key of the color Red) and Linked issues and Epic
  2. Put a statement to display a message if there aren't any links.
  3. Put an iteration to iterate the links
  4. Put a conditional block. If the current link is of type epic, the issue link is going to be displayed with Epic (set up the Epic of the color green) and Key and Summary
  5. Close the statement using #{end}
  6. Put a conditional block. If the current link isn't epic, the issue link is going to be displayed with Link  (set up the Link of the color blue) and Key and Summary.
  7. Close the statement using #{end}
  8. Finally, close the iteration links using #{end}

The column Epic Cases

  1. Put a statement to display a message if there aren't any links.
  2. Put an iteration to iterate the links
  3. Put a conditional block. If the current link is of type epic, the issue link is going to be displayed with Epic (set up the Epic of the color green) and Key and Summary.
  4. Put an iteration with JQLIssues, it is going to iterate using a clause "Epic Link" = ${Links[a].Key}
  5. Print the issues of the current epic with Story (set up the Story of the color purple) and Key and Summary.
  6. Close the statement using #{end}
  7. Close the iteration JQLIssues using #{end}
  8. Finally, close the links iteration using #{end}

Below there is a sample of how the mappings will be displayed in a Word template:

Below there is a sample of how the generated file will be populated:

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Thank you in advance.

Enjoy our product.(smile)

Here's the Exercise 3 related files:


Exercise 3 Sample Template file

Exercise3GeneratedExercise 3 Sample generated file