Automatic Installation

You can install Xporter for JIRA through the UPM (Universal Plugin Manager). For information on how to use UPM, check

Manual Installation

If you have the add-on file (a file with the extension .obr) you can manually install Xporter following the steps below:

  1. Go into the Administration section of JIRA, look for the Add-Ons -> Manage Add-Ons menu.
  2. Select the option "Upload Add-On" and upload the jiraxporter-X.X.X.obr file. (X.X.X is the Xporter version).


This procedure is not applicable for Xporter for JIRA Cloud.

License Activation

You can activate your license using one of two manners:

  1. If you have a license that has been provided using the Atlassian Marketplace, you can install it by performing the following steps: 
  2. If you have a license that has been directly provided by Xpand IT, you can install it using the plugin internal licensing mechanism:


The second point is not applicable for Xporter for JIRA Cloud. Only Atlassian licenses are allowed in Xporter for JIRA Cloud.