07 June 2018

The Xporter for JIRA team proudly announces the release of Xporter 5.6.0.

This version is focused on performance improvements and contains bug fixes.

Highlights for this release

Improve the way how Xporter is integrating with Tempo Timesheets

Xporter improved the integration with Tempo Timesheets in order to allow our users to filter the worklogs by date. You are able to define the 'date from' and the 'date to' on your document using the Prop function.

${prop(tempo.date.from, 2018-01-01)}
${prop(tempo.date.to, 2018-12-31)}

Improve the way how permission schemes are being validated during an export

This feature will improve the Xporter performance during the export and the permissions will be validated faster.

Improve the way how custom fields are loaded

This feature will improve the Xporter performance during the export and improve the way how custom fields are loaded.

New Features and Bug Fixes