Document Generator allows you to get following data from the Xray Test Execution:

If a Test Execution contains a lot of information, it can decrease Jira performance

Overall Execution Status

Export the Overall Execution Status with name and percentage for each Test Execution Status

${Overall Execution Status}

You can print the status of the Test Execution by using the following notation:

% per StatusNumber of Tests per Status
${Overall Execution Status.NameOfStatus}${Overall Execution Status.NameOfStatus.Count}

See the real example:

Todo: ${Overall Execution Status.TODO}% (${Overall Execution Status.TODO.Count})
Fail: ${Overall Execution Status.FAIL}% (${Overall Execution Status.FAIL.Count})
Pass: ${Overall Execution Status.PASS}% (${Overall Execution Status.PASS.Count})
Executing: ${Overall Execution Status.EXECUTING}% (${Overall Execution Status.EXECUTING.Count})
Aborted: ${Overall Execution Status.ABORTED}% (${Overall Execution Status.ABORTED.Count})

Iterating Test Runs associated with a Test Execution

Xporter for Jira allows rendering of all the Test Tuns associated with a Test Execution. 


$ {TestRuns[n].Field}

n is the index of the Test Run, starting from 0. The field TestRunsCount was created in order to give the total number of Test Runs.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	Execution Status: ${TestRuns[n].Execution Status}
	AssigneeID: ${AssigneeId}
	Rank: ${TestRuns[n].Rank}
	Executed By: ${TestRuns[n].Executed By}
	Started On: ${TestRuns[n].Started On}
	Finished On: ${TestRuns[n].Finished On}
	Comment: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].Comment}
	Execution Defects Count: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefectsCount} 
	TestSteps Defects Count: ${TestRuns[n].TestStepsDefectsCount}
	Evidences Count: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidencesCount}

Iterating Pre-Conditions associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira allows rendering of the Pre-Conditions associated with a Test from a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].PreCondition.Field}

n is the index of Test Runs, starting from 0. The fields available for Pre-Conditions are:

#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Getting data from Pre-Condition
	Pre-Condition Key: ${TestRuns[n].PreCondition.Key}
	Pre-Condition Summary: ${TestRuns[n].PreCondition.Summary}
	Condition:	${TestRuns[n].PreCondition.Conditions}
	Type: ${TestRuns[n].PreCondition.Pre-Condition Type}

Iterating Attachments associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira allows rendering of all the Attachments associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].AttachmentsCount[sa]}

sa is the index of the Attachments, starting from 0. The field AttachmentsCount was created in order to give the total number of Attachments of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating Test Attachments
	#{for sa=TestRuns[n].AttachmentsCount}
		Name: ${TestRuns[n].Attachments[sa].Name}
		Author: ${TestRuns[n].Attachments[sa].Author}
		ID: ${TestRuns[n].Attachments[sa].ID}
		Size: ${TestRuns[n].Attachments[sa].Size}

If a Test Execution contains a lot of information, it can decrease Jira performance

Iterating Evidences associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira allows rendering of all the Evidences associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d]}

d is the index of the Evidences, starting from 0. The field ExecutionEvidencesCount was created in order to give the total number of Evidences of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Evidences
	#{for d=TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidencesCount}
		Id: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].Id}
		Name: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].Name}
		Author: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].Author}
		Link: @{title=${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].FileURL}|href=${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].FileURL}}
		Size: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].Size}
		Created: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].Created}
		HumanReadableSize: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].HumanReadableSize}
		MimeType: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].MimeType}

Iterating Defects associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira allows rendering of all the defects associated with a Test Run.


$ {TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefects[e]}

e is the index of the defects, starting from 0. The field ExecutionDefectsCount was created in order to give the total number of Defects of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over defects from each test run
	#{for e=TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefectsCount}
		Link: @{title=${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefects[e].Key}|href=${BaseURL}/browse/${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefects[e].Key}}
		Summary: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefects[e].Summary}

Iterating Automated Test details associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira allows rendering of the Details from Automated Tests associated with a Test Run. 


Cucumber Scenario: $ {TestRuns[n].Cucumber Scenario}

Test Definition: $ {TestRuns[n].Generic Test Definition}

n is the index of the Test Runs, starting from 0. The fields Cucumber Scenario/Generic Test Definition were created in order to give the step details of Automated Tests of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Test Run Step Details
	Cucumber Scenario: ${TestRuns[n].Cucumber Scenario}
	Test Definition: ${TestRuns[n].Generic Test Definition}

If a Test Execution contains a lot of information, it can decrease Jira performance

Iterating Manual Test Step details associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira allows rendering of the Details from Manual Tests associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r]}

r is the index of the Test Steps, starting from 0. The field TestStepsCount was created in order to give the step details of Manual Tests of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Manual Test Steps from Test Run
	#{for r=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount}
		StepNumber:	${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].StepNumber}
		Action: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Action}
		Data: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Data}
		Expected Result: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].ExpectedResult}
		Comment: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Comment}
		Status:	${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Status}
		Actual Result: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Actual Result}

Iterating Manual Test Step Attachments associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira allows rendering of the Attachments from Manual Tests Steps associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Attachments[sa]}

sa is the index of the Test Step Attachments, starting from 0. The field AttachmentsCount was created in order to give the step attachments of Manual Tests of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Manual Test Steps from Test Run
	#{for r=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount}
		#Iterating over Test Step Attachments
		#{for sa=TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].AttachmentsCount}
			Name: {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Attachments[sa].Name}
			Author: {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Attachments[sa].Author}
			Link: {title={TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Attachments[sa].FileURL}|href={TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Attachments[sa].FileURL}}
			Size: {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Attachments[sa].Size}

If a Test Execution contains a lot of information, it can decrease Jira performance

Iterating Manual Test Step Defects associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira allows rendering of the Defects from Manual Tests Steps associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc]}

dc is the index of the Test Step Defects, starting from 0. The field DefectsCount was created in order to give the step defects of Manual Tests of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Manual Test Steps from Test Run
	#{for r=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount}
		#Iterating over Test Step Defects
		#{for dc=TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].DefectsCount}
			Link: {title={TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Key}|href={BaseURL}/browse/{TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Key}}
			Summary: {wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Summary}


Iterating Manual Test Step Evidences associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira allows rendering of the Evidences from Manual Tests Steps associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e]}

e is the index of the Test Step Evidences, starting from 0. The field EvidencesCount was created in order to give the step evidences of Manual Tests of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Manual Test Steps from Test Run
	#{for r=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount}
		#Iterating over Test Step Evidences
		#{for e=TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].EvidencesCount}
			Name: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].Name}
			Author: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].Author}
			Link: @{title=${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].FileURL}|href=${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].FileURL}}
			Size: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].Size}
        	Created: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].Created}
        	HumanReadableSize: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].HumanReadableSize}
        	MimeType: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].MimeType}


If you want to export the images, for example ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].FileURL} you can check here for instructions on how to do it.