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Xporter for Jira allows you to export diagrams from Gliffy Diagrams for Jira app as a normal image. 


Install the app and add the Gliffy diagrams to your issue. 

To export the image and its properties, include the following mapping on your template:

Expand to see the sample code
#{for images}
	// Retrieve extension from filename and save it on extension variable
	${set(extension,%{var name = '${Images[n].Name}'.split('.'); var extension = name[1]; extension})}

	// If the image extension is 'gliffy' export all info about the attached image
	#{if (%{'${extension}'.equals('gliffy')})}

That's it. No other special configuration is needed.


Let's export a Gliffy Diagram.

As you can see in the image below, we've already created a diagram.

Then, we export it using the template previously created.

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