Xporter allows you to get the Billed hours from each worklog entry (field generated/managed by from Tempo Timesheets addon).
The steps described here are only required for Tempo Timesheets 8.x.x.
Xporter integrates with Tempo Timesheets using Tempo Servlet API. There are some configurations to be done before Xporter be able to communicate with tempo Timesheets.
- Get the access token to allow Xporter communicate with Tempo Timesheets. (See here How to get the Access Token).
- Define the access token in your document using the Prop function. The key must be: tempo.api.token
- Define Tempo to export Billed hours, go to Tempo Administration > Fields > Custom Fields and check the option "Export billed hours"
This is a simple example that lists the billed hours by each work log entry.
${prop(tempo.api.token,f66a8d4f-5b77-44d2-8973-944d643b0235)} #{for worklogs} Author: ${Worklogs[n].Author} Comment: ${Worklogs[n].Comment} Time Spent: ${Worklogs[n].TimeSpentFormatted} Billed hours: ${Worklogs[n].BilledHoursFormatted} #{end}