
Xporter for JIRA is an app that helps you create documents using information from JIRA Issues.

With Xporter you are able to export:

  • Native and custom Issue fields
  • Issue Links (Linked Issues)
  • Issue Comments
  • Issue Worklogs
  • Issue Subtasks
  • Issue Components
  • Issue Status Transitions
  • Issue Attached Images
  • Issue Attachments

You can also create awesome documents, for example:

  • A custom project changelog
  • A custom product improvement document
  • Release notes in a custom format
  • Requirements document to use in Scrum meetings
  • Create a letter from an issue based on a template
  • Software documentation

Documents can be generated from a single or multiple issues. Also, you can define workflow post-functions to generate documents when a Workflow transition happens. These documents can be sent via e-mail or placed on a File Server.

Schedule document generation using Xporter, for example, to follow your project status. Receive these documents via e-mail our send them to a File server like FTP or Confluence.

Xporter is available for JIRA Server and Cloud versions in English, French, German (available soon on the cloud) and Spanish (available soon on the cloud). 

Feel free to contact us and we will be glad to help you or just answer your questions or even make a demo.

Discover why so many people and organizations choose Xporter for JIRA, every single day.

App Key Features

Document Formats

  • Create Templates using format DOCM, DOCX, DOTM, DOTX, XLSX, XLSM and RTF
  • Get documents generated in PDF, DOCX, XLSX, SVG, PNG, RTF and ODT format


  • Export documents from Single or Multiple (Bulk) Issues
  • Generate documents when a specific workflow transition happens (Workflow Post-Functions)
  • Generate documents and sent them to a File Server (FTP or Confluence) or via e-mail.
  • Schedule reports


  • API to export documents
  • Export Issue data from other Apps, such as:
    • JIRA Service Desk
    • Xray for JIRA
    • Table grid (iDalko)
    • JEditor
    • Insight
    • and much more...


  • Reactive Support
  • Fast feedback
  • Helpful

Atlassian Certified

  • Atlassian Certified App
  • Widely used by many organizations, including Fortune 500 companies
  • Always keep up-to-date with constant releases
  • Ready to use: install and use it right away

Custom Layout

  • Create a custom document layout using Headings, Indexes, tables, images, links, text decorations and more.
  • Create charts using Microsoft Excel documents
  • Create Letters

Template Store

  • Install templates from the Xporter template Store (free of charge)
  • Many samples available
  • Use them as a base for your templates


  • Manage document formats
  • Template Scopes
  • Permission Schemes
  • Schedule reports
  • File Servers
  • Workflow Post-Functions


  • Schedule document generation
  • Receive documents in your e-mail daily, weekly or monthly.

Xporter Academy

  • Learn how to create templates
  • Learn how to configure Xporter
  • Learn how to create/configure workflow post-functions
  • A lot of exercises to practice since from the most basic configurations and templates to the most amazing templates you have ever seen. Become a Pro Xporting!

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