Exporting Multiple Issues with Static Sections

Sometimes, you may want to export multiples issues, without reproducing some sections of the template. For instance, you may want to create a cover section or some information to be added at the end of the document.

To provide this functionality, Xporter for JIRA plugin supports a special notation. This notation allows defining which sections of the template will be rendered for each issue, and which sections will be static. The notation is demonstrated in the example below:

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This is the header of the Bulk Export, this section will be rendered a single time.
&{for issues}
This section will be repeated for every issue.
Issue Key: ${Key}
Issue Summary: ${Summary}
This is the footer of the Bulk Export, this section will be rendered a single time.  

The image below demonstrates a Word template to bulk export multiple issues:

As this notation provides lots of combinations, we advise checking the sample template (SampleBulkExport.docx) on the Samples Page.

The image below demonstrates an Excel template to bulk export multiple issues:

Static Sections with Filters

You can push the static sections functionality to another level of control by applying filters to the iterations. For instance, this can be useful if you want to export multiple issues, and place the issues of a specific issue type (ex: Bug) in a section of the template and the issues of another type (ex: Story) in other section of the template. The notation is demonstrated in the example below:

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This is the header of the Bulk Export, this section will be rendered a single time.
The following section will list the issues of the type Bug.
&{for issues|filter=%{'${IssueTypeName}'.equals('Bug')}}
Issue Key: ${Key}
Issue Summary: ${Summary}
The following section will list the issues of the type Story.
&{for issues|filter=%{'${IssueTypeName}'.equals('Story')}}
Issue Key: ${Key}
Issue Summary: ${Summary}
This is the footer of the Bulk Export, this section will be rendered a single time.   

The image below demonstrates a Word template to bulk export with static sections and filters applied to the iteration of issues.


As this notation provides lots of combinations, we advise checking the sample template (SampleBulkExportFilters.docx) on the Samples Page.

The image below demonstrates an Excel template to bulk export with static sections and filters applied to the iteration of issues.


Static Sections for Fix Versions

Another functionality is having static sections inside an iteration over bulk issues fix versions. For instance, this can be useful if you want to export multiple issues, and order them by its versions. The notation is demonstrated in the example below:

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This is the header of the Bulk Export, this section will be rendered a single time.
The following section will list the versions present on a bulk export and the respective issues.
&{for bulkFixVersions}
Version: ${Version}
&{for issues}
Issue Key: ${Key}
Issue Summary: ${Summary}

This is the footer of the Bulk Export, this section will be rendered a single time.   

The image below demonstrates a Word template to bulk export with static sections inside an iteration over the issues fix versions. 

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