From a Test Execution, it's possible to export the following Xray data: Tests, Test Runs and Test Plans.
All fields listed here are available because the Test Execution is a regular JIRA issue. In addition, you can export the following fields:
Test Environments: ${TestEnvironments} #Overall Execution Status (percentage + total of testes per status) TO DO: ${Overall Execution Status.TO DO.Percentage}% - ${Overall Execution Status.TO DO.Count} EXECUTING: ${Overall Execution Status.EXECUTING.Percentage}% - ${Overall Execution Status.EXECUTING.Count} PASSED: ${Overall Execution Status.PASSED.Percentage}% - ${Overall Execution Status.PASSED.Count} FAILED: ${Overall Execution Status.FAILED.Percentage}% - ${Overall Execution Status.FAILED.Count} ABORTED: ${Overall Execution Status.ABORTED.Percentage}% - ${Overall Execution Status.ABORTED.Count}
Exporting Tests from a Test Execution
Below you can find an example of how to iterate over the list of Tests associated with a Test Execution.
Total number of associated tests: ${TestsCount} // Iterating each test #{for tests} Key: ${Tests[n].Key} Test Status: ${Tests[n].TestStatus} // Iterating over test steps for each test #{for m=Tests[n].TestStepsCount} Action: ${Tests[n].TestSteps[m].Action} Data: ${Tests[n].TestSteps[m].Data} Expected Result: ${Tests[n].TestSteps[m].ExpectedResult} #{end} #{end} or // Iterating each test #{for j=TestsCount} Key: ${Tests[j].Key} Test Status: ${Tests[j].TestStatus} // Iterating over test steps for each test #{for m=Tests[j].TestStepsCount} Action: ${Tests[j].TestSteps[m].Action} Data: ${Tests[j].TestSteps[m].Data} Expected Result: ${Tests[j].TestSteps[m].ExpectedResult} #{end} #{end}
For more detailed information on how to export Tests and its information please check the documentation.
Exporting Test Plans from a Test Execution
Below you can find an example of how to iterate over the list of TestPlans associated with a Test Execution.
Total number of associated test plans: ${TestPlansCount} // Iterating each test plan #{for testPlans} Summary: ${TestPlans[n].Summary} #{end} or // Iterating each test plan #{for j=TestPlansCount} Description: ${TestPlans[j].Description} #{end}
For more detailed information on how to export Test Plans and its information please check the documentation.
Exporting Test Runs from a Test Execution
All fields listed here are available and will refer to the test execution associated. In addition, you can export the following fields:
AssigneeId | The test execution's assignee. |
Comment | The test execution's comment. |
Generic Test Definition | The generic test definition of the test run. WIKI |
Cucumber Scenario | The cucumber definition of the test run |
Executed By | The user's ID that executed the test execution. |
Execution Status | The status of the test execution. |
Started On | The started date of the test execution. |
Finished On | The end date of the test execution. |
ExecutionEvidencesCount | The number of execution evidences. |
ExecutionDefectsCount | The number of execution defects. |
TestStepsCount | The test execution's steps count. |
TestType | The test execution's test type. |
TestStepsDefectsCount | The number of defects for all test steps. |
Test Run Custom Fields
Xporter supports custom fields for Test Runs. To use your own defined custom fields, just use the same notation:
${<Custom field name>} |
The custom field must have a different name from the table above.
Total number of associated test runs: ${TestRunsCount} // Iterating each test run #{for testruns} Assignee Id: ${TestRuns[n].AssigneeId} Key: ${TestRuns[n].Key} Summary: ${TestRuns[n].Summary} Comment: ${TestRuns[n].Comment} Generic Test Definition: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].Generic Test Definition} Cucumber Scenario: ${TestRuns[n].Cucumber Scenario} Executed by: ${TestRuns[n].Executed By} Execution Status: ${TestRuns[n].Execution Status} Started on: ${TestRuns[n].Started On} Finished on: ${TestRuns[n].Finished On} Test Type: ${TestRuns[n].TestType} // Iterating over execution evidences for each test run Execution Evidences Total: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidencesCount} #{for m=TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidencesCount} Id: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[m].Id} Name: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[m].Name} File URL: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[m].FileURL} Evidence Image: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[m].Evidence} #{end} // Iterating over execution defects for each test run Execution Defects Total: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefectsCount} #{for m=TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefectsCount} Id: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefects[m].Id} Description: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefects[m].Description} Key: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefects[m].Key} Summary: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefects[m].Summary} #{end} // Iterating over test steps for each test run Test Steps Total: ${TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount} #{for m=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount} Action: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Action} Comment: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Comment} Data: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Data} Expected Result: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].ExpectedResult} Actual Result: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].ActualResult} Status: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Status} Step Number: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].StepNumber} // Iterating over attachments for each test step Test Steps Attachments Count: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].AttachmentsCount} #{for l=TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].AttachmentsCount} Id: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Attachments[l].Id} Name: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Attachments[l].Name} Attachment Image: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Attachments[l].Attachment} #{end} // Iterating over evidences for each test step Test Steps Evidences Count: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].EvidencesCount} #{for l=TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].EvidencesCount} Id: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Evidences[l].Id} Name: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Evidences[l].Name} File URL: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Evidences[l].FileURL} Image: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Evidences[l].Evidence} #{end} // Iterating over defects for each test step Test Steps Evidences Count: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].DefectsCount} #{for l=TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].DefectsCount} Description: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Defects[l].Description} Id: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Defects[l].Id} Key: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Defects[l].Key} Summary: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[m].Defects[l].Summary} #{end} #{end} #{end}
The word document below shows an example with all the mappings available to export from a TestExecution:
Exporting Parameterized Tests from a Test Run
To export all this data, we first need to execute the test run. If we change any data, we need to return to the Execution Page and merge it with the new data.
Fields | Description |
ParametersCount | Total of Parameters declared in Dataset |
IsDataDriven | Returns "true" if the current test run is data-driven; otherwise, it returns "false" |
IterationsOverallExecutionStatus | List of all the statuses in the current test run iteration and their percentages |
IterationsOverallExecutionStatus.STATUS.Count | The number of STATUS in the test run iterations |
Iterations Overall Execution Status.STATUS.Percentage | The percentage of STATUS in the test run iterations |
Parameters | List of the parameters from each test run iteration |
The field IsDataDriven is going to return TRUE only if the test run has more than one iteration.
Exporting Test Runs Parameters from a Test Execution
For each Test Run Parameter you can export the following fields:
- Key
- Value
Below you can find an example of how to iterate over the list of Test Run Parameters associated with a Test Execution.
// Iterating each test run #{for testruns} // Iterating over parameters for each test run Parameters Total: ${TestRuns[n].ParametersCount} #{for m=TestRuns[n].ParametersCount} Key: ${TestRuns[n].Parameters[m].Key} Value: ${TestRuns[n].Parameters[m].Value} #{end} #{end}
Exporting Test Runs Preconditions from a Test Execution
Below you can find an example of how to iterate over the list of Test Run Preconditions associated with a Test Execution.
// Iterating each test run #{for testruns} // Iterating over Preconditions for each test run #{for l=TestRuns[n].PreConditionsCount} Definition: ${TestRuns[n].PreConditions[l].PreCondition.Definition} Type: ${TestRuns[n].PreConditions[l].PreCondition.Type} #{end} #{end}
Exporting Test Runs Iterations from a Test Execution
For each Test Run Iteration you can export the following fields:
- Overall Execution Status
- Parameters from Test Run Iterations
- Test steps from Test Run Iterations
Below you can find an example of how to iterate over the list of Test Run Iterations associated with a Test Execution.
// Iterating each test run #{for testruns} IsDataDriven: ${TestRuns[n].IsDataDriven} // Iterations Overall Execution Status (percentage + total of testes per status) List of Statuses: ${TestRuns[n].IterationsOverallExecutionStatus} TO DO: ${TestRuns[n].IterationsOverallExecutionStatus.TO DO.Percentage}% - ${TestRuns[n].IterationsOverallExecutionStatus.TO DO.Count} EXECUTING: ${TestRuns[n].IterationsOverallExecutionStatus.EXECUTING.Percentage}% - ${TestRuns[n].IterationsOverallExecutionStatus.EXECUTING.Count} PASSED: ${TestRuns[n].IterationsOverallExecutionStatus.PASSED.Percentage}% - ${TestRuns[n].IterationsOverallExecutionStatus.PASSED.Count} FAILED: ${TestRuns[n].IterationsOverallExecutionStatus.FAILED.Percentage}% - ${TestRuns[n].IterationsOverallExecutionStatus.FAILED.Count} ABORTED: ${TestRuns[n].IterationsOverallExecutionStatus.ABORTED.Percentage}% - ${TestRuns[n].IterationsOverallExecutionStatus.ABORTED.Count} // Iterating over test runs iterations Total of Iterations from a Test Run: ${TestRuns[n].IterationsCount} #{for m=TestRuns[n].IterationsCount} Name: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].Name} Status: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].Status} Parameters: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].Parameters} // Iterating over parameters for each test run iteration Parameters Total: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].ParametersCount} #{for l=TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].ParametersCount} Key: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].Parameters[l].Key} Value: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].Parameters[l].Value} #{end} // Iterating over preconditions for each test run iteration Preconditions Total: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].PreConditionsCount} #{for l=TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].PreConditionsCount} Definition: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].PreConditions[l].PreCondition.Definition} Type: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].PreConditions[l].PreCondition.Type} #{end} //Iterating over test steps for each test run iteration #{for i=TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestStepsCount} Step Number: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].StepNumber} Action: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Action} Data: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Data} Expected Result: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].ExpectedResult} Status: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Status} Comment: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Comment} Actual Result: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].ActualResult} // Iteration Test Step Attachments #{for l=TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].AttachmentsCount} Id: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Attachments[l].Id} Name: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Attachments[l].Name} Image: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Attachments[l].Attachment} FileURL: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Attachments[l].FileURL} #{end} // Iteration Test Step Evidences #{for l=TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].EvidencesCount} Id: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Evidences[l].Id} Name: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Evidences[l].Name} File URL: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Evidences[l].FileURL} Evidence: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Evidences[l].Evidence} #{end} // Iteration Test Step Defects #{for l=TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].DefectsCount} Description: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Defects[l].Description} Id: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Defects[l].Id} Key: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Defects[l].Key} Summary: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Defects[l].Summary} #{end} #{end} #{end} #{end}
The word document below shows an example with all the mappings available to export from a TestExecution:
WIKI indicates that the field supports the wiki format. More about here.