Create Document Post Function
Xporter for JIRA provides a Workflow Post Function that allows the generation of documents in the transitions of JIRA Workflows.
To generate a document in a transition of a workflow, perform the following steps:
- Edit your workflow
- Select the transition where you want to generate a document
- Add the post function Xporter Create Document Post Function
- Select the template to use
- Select the output format
- Provide the name of the file you want to generate, including its full path.
- Define if Xporter for JIRA should or not attach the result file to the current Issue.
- Define if the file to be attached should have the same file name. If you select the "Off" option you can specify a custom name.
Choose if you want to upload the generated document to a File Server and if yes, pick the Server where the exported file will be saved to.
The attached result file to the current Issue is a feature available in Xporter for JIRA 3.0.0 and later.
An example configuration is provided below.
JIRA Server version:
The mappings that you can include are the same mappings that are used inside the templates with the same notation.
You can also use the following Xporter for JIRA format functions:
- Fields with HTML
- Formatting Date Fields
- Formatting Number Field
- Formatting User Picker Fields
- Escaping fields
Please note that you cannot use Javascript with this mappings!
If the Upload File option is turned off, the file will be generated locally, or, otherwise, the file will be generated and sent to the File Server selected.
JIRA Cloud version:
You can include mappings in the filename, the same mappings that are used inside the templates, with a slightly different notation: starting with $ and the name of the field. Examples:
- /jira/document_$Key.pdf
- /jira/document_$Key_$UpdatedDate.pdf
- /jira/document_$Key_$UpdatedDate_$Status.pdf
After the configuration process, the post functions of the transition will look like the screenshot below.
JIRA Server version:
JIRA Cloud version:
Email Report Post Function
Xporter for JIRA Cloud
Email Report Post Function is not yet available in Xporter for JIRA Cloud.
Xporter for JIRA provides a Workflow Post Function that allows sending emails with attached reports.
To generate an Email Report in a transition of a workflow, perform the following steps:
- Edit your workflow
- Select the transition you want to send a report
- Add the post function Xporter for JIRA Send Report Post Function
- Select the template to use
- Select the output format
- Provide the name of the attached report or use the default name ( it´s possible to use emails, mappings, Usernames or User Ids ).
- Provide the recipients in the To field ( it´s possible to use emails, mappings, Usernames or User Ids ).
- Provide the email subject in the field subject ( it´s possible to use mappings ).
- Provide the recipients in the Cc field ( it´s possible to use emails, mappings, Usernames or User Ids ).
- Provide the recipients in the Bcc field ( it´s possible to use emails, mappings, Usernames or User Ids ).
- Provide the email Body in the Body field ( it´s possible to use mappings, the content will be sent as HTML ).
The mappings that you can include are the same mappings that are used inside the templates with the same notation.
You can also use the following Xporter for JIRA format functions:
An example configuration is provided below.
After the configuration process, the post functions of the transition will look like the screenshot below.
This Post Function requires Outgoing Email property enabled in JIRA and a valid SMTP configuration.