Xporter integrates with Xray and allows you to export all information including Tests, Test Plans, Test Sets, Test Executions, Test Runs and Precondition.

Setup Integration

Before using the Xray mappings we need to set-up the integration, the steps are the following:

  1. From Jira settings go to Apps and open the tab API Keys from Xray Tab.

  2. Create a new API Key for your user and copy the Client Id and Client Secret.

  3. Open the integrations page from Xporter tab.

  4. Configure the Xray integration and paste the Client Id and Client Secret.

Exporting Xray data

After setup, the user is allowed to export any Xray data from Jira.

Unfortunately, in the current version, there are some limitations regarding the Xray for Jira Cloud integration:

  • It's not possible to get the Requirement Status;
  • It's not possible to get the Preconditions directly from a TestRun;
  • It's not possible to get Xray attachments file url;
  • Cloud apps aren't able to create JQL Functions - templates aren't fully compatible between Server and Cloud hosting. Please, check the new templates for this integration in the Template Store.

We expect to deliver these features in the future.